Most Important Lesson Learned LO19675

Wed, 28 Oct 1998 21:23:42, -0500

In LO19658, John Gunkler said --

"The most important lesson I ever learned about the dynamics of
organizational change is that it is fundamentally a subversive process .
. ."

When I began reading this sentence, my mind perked up - "hey, here comes
THE lesson learned from a fellow LO practitioner !" Thanks John for
sharing your lesson learned.

I would like to ask a question of all you LOers out there --

What is the biggest (or one of the biggest) lesson you learned since you
have begun practicing the LO disciplines ? Put some heart and soul into
your answer.

One of my biggest lessons learned over the last eight years working at a
grass roots level is --

I have had much better success applying the disciplines to an important,
recurring problem verses talking theory. Demonstration of the concepts
through performance and results is very convincing. No earth shattering
insight here, just a reaffirmation of what others have said.

Am looking forward to hearing about others lesson learned.

Geof Fountain

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