Which came first? LO20490

Peter Fullerton (peterxyz@ozemail.com.au)
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 11:30:33 +1100

Replying to LO20468

I guess I'm thankful that this list isn't a company and there isn't a
managerial culture or structure in here, especially one where managers can
"throw people out". It strikes me that lazy (and even pretentious) use of
language doesn't justify an equally lazy response, like dismissal or

Peter Fullerton

>I think probably a lot of reasons, but one that I think affects areas such
>as Deming's work, or LO's etc is the language we use. It is hard for me to
>conceive of a manager who would not throw someone out on their ear at the
>first hint of the kinds of language used here.


Peter Fullerton <peterxyz@ozemail.com.au>

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