KM/LO interface-flint and tinder LO20634

tom abeles (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 08:49:52 -0600

Let us suppose that John Zavacki, as a representative of one faction of
thinking, is correct and that KM or Intellectual Capital Management is
correct and that there are both the "consultants" and IT professionals and
providers who have recast themselves as KM or ICM providers and are now
peddling their wares, good or bad, on the populace. Just suppose...

Now, I need help, again. What is it that drives people to purchase this or
any commodity from a sophisticated KM consulting package to the latest air
freshner? What is the price that is being paid by the individual and the
organization? What is gained? And will KM stand next to LO etc, like
Macy's, Bloomingdales and the other anchors in the Mall of America?

This KM/LO interface seems to have provided a clear opportunity to gain a
serious understanding of the situation. It seems like a convergence
between flint and tinder and I am hoping those who can see through this
"glass darkly" can provide some critical insights

As a chemist, I have developed (socially and environmentally
responsible...grin...) products, tested them and put them in the market
place. As a "futurist" i have developed programs and policies and models
and scenarios and what if's and...; as an academic, I have watched the
universities play the whimsy of Polonius to the outside world's Hamlet

and regardless of what Peter, Paul and Mary think, the answer is not
blowin' in the wind.


tom abeles


tom abeles <>

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