Dear George:
I would definitely start with the determination of the vision, but not
starting with the staff training program. The organization's vision and
mission must provide for the vision and mission of the program. So
understanding it (the organization's) is important.
One of the ideas I was toying with for my direction was: the effectiveness
of vision statements is related to....what?
I am not sure I'll go that direction or in another (knowledge management).
My doctorate studies are in occupation training and development (Ed.D).
So these topics raise my interest.
Anyway, ask the question what is needed?
I think and believe research will demonstrate that the effectiveness of
the vision statement and the success of a program are relational. Got to
define effectiveness and success of course. Well the two must be linked
some how, so how about well articulated and measured goals and objectives?
So after the vision and mission, defining effectiveness and success in
terms of goals and objectives. Then matching available and future
resources to these goals and objectives.
Now, according to some recent research you ask:
Is the goal one of rapid training proficiency or skill acquisition or
reliability over time?
What is the degree of skill difference between the practiced (or training)
and the actual task?
>From these we figure out the priority of the training events.
Enough for now?
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