LEVERAGE Questions LO20679

Kara Peters (karap@pegasuscom.com)
16 Feb 99 10:57:55 -0500

[Host's Note: I have invited Kara and all my friends at Pegasus
Communications to pose questions here that they want to explore in their
publications. If you have a good answer to any of these questions, you
could be published and famous! Well, somewhat famous... Rick]

Selected answers to the following questions may be published in upcoming
issues of LEVERAGE: News and Ideas for the Organizational Learner:

1. In what ways does your organization promote and support team learning?
What evidence have you seen that team learning is having a positive impact
on the bottom line?

2. In your exploration of organizational learning or related fields, what
book/author has had the most profound influence on your thinking? How and

3. How has your organization identified and changed mental models that
have inhibited its ability to learn?

Kara Peters
Assistant Editor
Pegasus Communications, Inc.
Helping organizations soar to new heights of excellence.
781-398-9700 / fax 781-894-7175


Kara Peters <karap@pegasuscom.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>