The New Pioneers, on-line excerpt and chat LO20790

John Gunkler (
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 10:02:44 -0600

Replying to LO20768 --

Robb Most writes:
>The goal of education is not mastery of subject matter but mastery of
>one's person.

These fine words strike a chord in me -- but, upon further reflection, I
wonder what they really mean.

Robb, what does it mean to you for someone to master one's person? What
results does it lead to? What benefits does the world derive from someone
who has been successful at mastering their person? How does one know that
one has succeeded at mastering one's person? (I don't need a simplistic
measure, I just want to be pointed to various kinds of evidence that would
indicate such mastery.) And, because you used it in contrast, how do you
contrast mastering one's person from mastering subject matter?

Thanks for your help with this.


"John Gunkler" <>

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