360 model for a small organization LO20791

John Gunkler (jgunkler@sprintmail.com)
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 10:02:40 -0600

Replying to LO20775 --

>From one who has worked with individual and group performance improvement
for more than 15 years, I feel I must issue some monitory remarks about
labeling PEOPLE as "superior" or "sub-par."

It is not a person who is being evaluated! Nor is it the whole person who
is being evaluated (in good evaluation systems.) It is one aspect of a
person's performance at a time that should be evaluated.

So, I may get good marks for my contributions as a team leader but I may
get "sub-par" marks for my lack of on-time attendance at meetings.

This may seem a trivial difference but, I assure you, it is anything but
trivial to the person being evaluated. I can work on improving my
behavior and skills -- I can even get comfortable asking for help in that
endeavor; and I can even accept needing to work on a lot more things than
someone else must work on -- but I cannot overcome being labeled a
"sub-par" person!


"John Gunkler" <jgunkler@sprintmail.com>

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