empowerment LO21048

Tricia Lustig (Tricia@LASA.demon.co.uk)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:47:31 +0100

Replying to LO21022 --

Dear Lynette,

Yes, I know what you mean. I dislike the word empower because it is as if
I give you power. We use (in our work, especially our work with rural
communities) 'awakening the power in people'. They already have it, it is
theirs, I cannot take it away. But I can help them to rediscover it. to
wake it up.

Does this help?
Tricia Lustig
LASA Development UK Ltd.

>What does this mean? I think it indicates power over someone else. I
>empower you to ...


Tricia Lustig <Tricia@LASA.demon.co.uk>

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