Hi George,
I found the Ladder of Inference piece by Rick Ross in the Fifth Discipline
Filedbook to be a great help in describing the dynamic and cumulative
effect of mental models. I highly recommend it.
Bill Braun
>If mental models exist, don't they exist afterward . . . as a
>representation of (an) experience? So, if we are dependent on models to
>communicate or make sense, we are never communicating =right now=. Are
>not mental models representations?
>Is not the question of being and the present an issue here?
>I'm still grappling with how it is that (mental) models have become part
>and parcel of current thinking.
--Bill Braun <medprac@hlthsys.com>
[Host's Note: The Rick Ross piece is on pp. 242-252.
In association with Amazon.com...
The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook : Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization by Peter M. Senge (Editor), Art Kleiner (Editor), Charlotte Roberts, Richard Ross, Bryan Smith http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0385472560/learningorg
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>