We have two icebreakers that we use:
1. On a piece of paper put your favorite food and color ...NO NAME. Take
up the pieces of paper, put them in a box, let the participants pull from
the box (don't keep it if it is yours). Now find the person that the slip
belongs to. Interview that person and later on introduce that person.
Large groups you may have several halts throughout the day to have someone
2. Blackout Cultural Bingo. Standard Bingo type sheet with various
questions in the box; any veterans, people with blue eyes, large family,
(center square is free of course),etc. When a person gets a blackout
bingo .... you introduce the participants whose names appear on the
winner's card and the winner gets a prize of some kind. Large groups you
may want to get more than one winner. Also, depending on the size of the
group you may want to limit the number of people that can be used on the
sheet .... small group can not use the same person more than twice, large
group more than once. CAN NOT USE YOURSELF.
Hope this is helpful!!!!!
Bruce W. Jones
Organizational Development Specialist
Northwest Texas Healthcare System
Amarillo, Texas
>My company, an information technologies oriented business, is hiring many
>new employees this month. Currently my office branch has about 30
>employees. Orientations have been difficult in the past. Are there any
>suggestions for an "icebreaker" at the beginning?
>nicole vernon
--"Bruce Jones" <brucej@nwths.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>