I apologize for the misspelling of the authors name in my description of
the book MAGIC of RECLUCE. I was not at home where the book was so I was
spelling from a phonetic memory and as anyone around here will tell you
that is putting together my two worst traits .... no memory ,,,,, poor
spelling. If I stepped on any toes I am sorry!!
Bruce W. Jones
PS: Read this book twice. The first time to get the story and the second
to find the hidden meanings and relationships. Modesitt (there I spelled
it correctly) weaves not only a wonderful 'growing up' tale but also
political and social commentary that is sometimes hard to miss and at
others sneaks up and bites you on the nose.
Thank you Rick for correcting my spelling.
[Host's Note: No problem. I will correct a spelling error in LO msgs only
when it looks clear. ...Rick
--"Bruce Jones" <brucej@nwths.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>