Might I add a drop to the potion?
Winfried mentions:
"While the sun offers free energy in form of light equally to the
whole nature to take from it..."
I would pose that the sun had no other choice than to act beyond its
control, since its fire was the product of the hydrogen which is its
essence. The sun is a slave to its master, and the beneficiaries are the
elements of life itself which use photosynthesis, though not all life
This, too, is part of the plan, though not that which Winfried noted.
Quite a thought, eh? Cause and Effect, Yin/Yang, Buddhist Wheel of Life.
There is no slave without a master, no master without a slave, referring
to "the still, small voice within..."
John Constantine, Managing Partner
Rainbird Management Consulting
Santa Fe, NM
--John Constantine <rainbird@trail.com>
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