+ Verbal Communication
+ Written Communication
+ Equipment Condition
+ Environmental Conditions
+ Work Schedule
+ Work Practices
+ Work Planning
+ Supervisory Methods
+ Training
+ Change Management
+ Resource Management
+ Managerial Methods
WOBRIC consists of a 103-item questionnaire, and a 39-page administrator's
guide containing instructions, a scoring key, a calculation worksheet, a
summary sheet, and FAQs. This is a complete, turnkey package that can be
administered by nearly every type of organization with little to no
modification. To obtain WOBRIC at no cost, fill out an application at the
DOE/Westinghouse technology transfer website:
After we process your application (usually in one working day or less),
we will send you an ID and password allowing you to download WOBRIC
directly from our website to your computer in your choice of word
processing formats. Then, you can use it for commercial, internal, or
educational purposes. Over 160,000 pages of other analysis tools,
training courses, and guides are available at no cost through the site.
Bill Keeley
Intellectual Capital Manager
PO Box 2078, GS-213
Carlsbad, NM 88221
--"Keeley, Bill" <KeeleyB@wipp.carlsbad.nm.us>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>