Mission, vision, values and website LO21661

koebelin (koebelin@cwix.com)
Mon, 17 May 1999 17:59:16 -0700

Replying to LO21617 --

Eugene Taurman wrote:
" The vision and mission is what the top managers live ......."

Eugene, I hope you will forgive me for selecting out this phrase to
disagree with, when I found a number of statements you made to be quite
insightful. I just have an instinctive, personal reaction to references
to "top managers" such as this one. I actually find it somewhat
demoralizing to talk about the vision of the people at the top, as if the
rest of us don't count in the scheme of things. What does that make me?

Genene Koebelin, graduate student
Adult and Organizational Learning
Suffolk University, Boston


koebelin <koebelin@cwix.com>

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