I am a doctoral student at the University of Toronto, working with Barry
Wellman (supervisor), Dean Behrens and Bonnie Erickson. I am studying an
internationally dispersed network of sixteen independent scholars. This is
a voluntary group and the members do not operate under one organizational
structure. Members belong to multiple other organizations and only get
together 3 times a year.
In one section of my analysis I will compare this group to ideal
typifications of bureaucratic, network and the virtual organization. I
will argue that this group is an antithesis of the ideal type of
bureaucratic organizations and a synthesis of network and virtual
organizations. To show that this group is a sparsely-knit, network with
minimal hierarchy, I would like to compare the structure of this scholarly
network to the structure of other work "groups" of roughly similar size.
I was wondering if anyone could suggest useful comparative figures and
would be willing to share them? I need group level figures, especially
density and centrality; ties of particular interest include asking for and
receiving advice, and frequency of communication.
Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Nancy Nazer
University of Toronto
--"Nancy Nazer" <nnazer@chass.utoronto.ca>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>