Site announcement LO22101

Bruce Jones (
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 07:02:16 -0500

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am sending this to announce a new Power Point presentation at:

The reason for this announcement is to get feedback.
The presentation is designed to use graphics as a communication media
that crosses cultural and language barriers. This is also an attempt to
assist teachers in choosing the appropriate technology for any
particular class. Please ignore the advertisement banners. I haven't
found a way to shut them off without upsetting Geocities/Yahoo!

Please send your comments to me at: or sign the guest book or answer to the list (some
people have felt this is a good project for discussion). I realize that
not all lists I am sending this announcement to are interested but I am
looking for as large an audience as possible to get a large sampling of
ideas and recommendations.

The opinions of subscribers to the Rock art group especially are of
interest to me since you deal in a lot of iconic translation and cultural
referencing based on that translation.

Your cooperation and assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Bruce Jones

Bruce W. Jones
Organizational Development Specialist
Northwest Texas Healthcare System
Amarillo, Texas


"Bruce Jones" <>

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