What is leadership? LO22104

Max Schupbach (max@max-jytte.com)
Tue, 6 Jul 1999 06:04:59 -0700

Replying to LO22078 --

John Dentico writes:

"These folks are the purveyors of a new paradigm of leadership. While
they differ in some ideas, their intent is the same, leadership dances on
the strings of the bonds among a group of people committed to transforming
the context in which they are engaged. The reason is that leadership is a
relationship, and as Gene Taurman noted a process of making change."

Dear John,

with this it seems you are answering your own question about the reasons
for the multitude of ideas around leadership. There are as many leadership
models as there are relationships and change processes. To try to reduce
them to one working paradigm in fact negates this diversity. Diversity is
getting more focus on a continuing basis, and with it the notion, that all
ideas and theories around social interactions will have to be studied,
practiced and felt (diverse ways of understanding!) on the background of
culture, race, gender, class, and hierarchy. etc. As a result, in order
to study leadership, we need to paradoxically focus less on theories of
leadership and more on how to work with diversity issues. If we do that, I
for one predict that we we will be more hesitant to discuss Hitler in
terms of how he was a great leader, and bring forth thoughts, that life,
if not reflected according to the thoughts European philosophers, is not
worth living.


Dr.Max Schupbach
2049 NW Hoyt Street # 3,PORTLAND,OR,97209
Phone/Fax (503)223 6548
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www.max-jytte.com email: max@max-jytte.com


"Max Schupbach" <max@max-jytte.com>

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