What is leadership? LO22196

John P. Dentico (jdentico@adnc.com)
Sun, 11 Jul 1999 10:43:57 -0700

Replying to LO22104 --

Hello Max,

Thank you for your note, sorry I haven't been back to you sooner.
Computer issues, needed to upgrade my chip and motherboard. The software
seems to outrun the power to run it at times.

Your note is interesting. I have a question for you do you see leadership
as a subset of diversity or diversity as a subset of leadership, or how in
your opinion are they related? I need to better understand your

If you provide this I might be able to better orient my answer.

My Best to you

John D.

> with this it seems you are answering your own question about the reasons
> for the multitude of ideas around leadership. There are as many leadership
> models as there are relationships and change processes. To try to reduce
> them to one working paradigm in fact negates this diversity. Diversity is
> getting more focus on a continuing basis, and with it the notion, that all
> ideas and theories around social interactions will have to be studied,
> practiced and felt (diverse ways of understanding!) on the background of
> culture, race, gender, class, and hierarchy. etc. As a result, in order
> to study leadership, we need to paradoxically focus less on theories of
> leadership and more on how to work with diversity issues. If we do that, I
> for one predict that we we will be more hesitant to discuss Hitler in
> terms of how he was a great leader, and bring forth thoughts, that life,
> if not reflected according to the thoughts European philosophers, is not
> worth living.


"John P. Dentico" <jdentico@adnc.com>

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