Organization development LO22137

Richard Charles Holloway (
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 00:14:20 -0700

Replying to LO22120 --

Organizational development must begin with personal development, it seems
to me. This LO list has been a significant part of my personal
development over the last few years...there is simply no way that I can
adequately express the influence that so many of you have had on my growth
(I'll take all the 'credit' for my lack of growth!).

I come to this LO list like I come to Open Space...using the Law of Two
Feet (which acknowledges my complete autonomy to choose how I spend my
time...and if I'm not learning or contributing to some other person's
learning, I can choose to spend my time elsewhere).

The participants on this list form one of the several "communities of
practice" with which I'm involved...and I've developed several business
and personal relationships with participants which are quite valuable and
dear to me.

So...if the LO list had been different that it was, my growth and
friendships and partnerships might not be what they are. That's almost

The things I don't find here...and there are many...I find elsewhere.
That's quite okay with me. Because what I've found here I cannot find
anywhere else.

Thanks, Rick...for your even-handed approach to facilitating
(oops...moderating!) and to all my mentors, teachers, coaches and
colleagues, thank you too. I'm not leaving this list anytime soon.

And Vana...or anyone else who wants to "chat" and compare notes on OD type
work, ideas, etc...we can always originate and sustain that thread without
recourse to this list (where the topic might be quite staid to others).
You've got my e-mail.



"Our first teacher is our own heart." a saying from the Cheyenne People

Richard Charles Holloway -
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 USA Telephone 253.539.4014 or 206.568.7730
Thresholds <>
Meeting Masters <>


"Richard Charles Holloway" <>

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