Content and Practices for this list LO22138

Glebe Stcherbina (
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 17:57:55 +1000

Replying to LO22133 --

Hi Rick,

My name is Glebe and have recently joined the org-learning list even
though I have known about it for a couple of years. I am doing a Doctorate
of Education at The University of Sydney (Australia) and I am researching
Organizational Learning. This is my 3rd year of part-time study and
currently writing a 10,000 word literature review on the
"interrelationship of organizational learning and systemic learning
systems ". Even though I am very busy writing this review, I always find
the time to open up each new e-mail contribution to keep up to date and
see if I can gain any new insights.

You know what, I certainly have and really appreciate all information
written. Once I finish writing the review by tomorrow night, I will
revisit some of the contributions which I feel I can respond to. As my
wife has said to me many times: "Glebe you should live in the sea as you
can talk underwater". I have great passion for learning and coaching
others to learn. Give it another week, I hope to start helping out with
some of the requests for information and also put in my $0.02 as well.

Thanks for you moderation and organizing this list and I look forward to
reading more on learning from this list.

Kind regards,
Glebe Stcherbina.


Glebe Stcherbina <>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>