IMHO I have a difficult time seeing Hitler as a leader. He was a
charasmatic speaker but he was ethically corrupt and ruled with terror and
fear in people's lifes. Anyone could be turned in anytime. His regisme
pitted children against parents, family against family, neighbor against
neighbor as well as ethnic, religious cleanisng. His wasn't leadership.
IMHO leadership is based on voluntary followers and is earned. A leader is
a role model upon which others look up to. They are held to a high ethical
standard and have the responsibility to develop leadership in others. It
is a reciprocal relationship based on respect and honor of both the
leaders and the those they lead. there should be a sense of no bias in
the leader. My model for leadership is Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr and
Malcolm X. all grew in their ability to lead and had a spiritual base.
They were able to help bring out the best in people and open the way for
them to see themselves in a different light which led to the people
changing their own lifes and the world they lived in.
--ALEX <>
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