Content and Practices for this list LO22140

demingtw (
Thu, 08 Jul 1999 18:38:55 +0800

Replying to LO22133 --

This is a general comment. It occured to me that I need to express my
thanks and feedback to Rick and other contributors since I learned
something from them.

Sometimes I did remind myself to learn from H. A. Simon's advice on
information management. We can save a lot of time not to read newspapers,
weekly magazines or even monthly magazine. I am strugling with the my
drafts of his fourth edition of Administrative Behavior and need
concentration. I should log-off most emails and newsletters.

But I don't like to miss some gems. Herb told me some months ago that we
need to develop AI to help people to search data bases...

I like the 'gossips'(I mean its original meaning'and democratic styles of
this group. Everyone needs to decide which are their 'vital few' and which
are 'useful many' information.

But perhaps most of us need to learn from the style of Karl Popper
thinking. I learned to write a report within one page 22 years ago when I
joined Philips Taiwan, O& E dept.I think it is an important skill.

I once told my students that for most important corporate statatements of
MNCs, every word worths a ton of gold and I think most of them are

Hanching Chung


demingtw <>

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