Thank you all, including Magi, for your comments about the operation of the
list. I am reading all of this closely and I am always ready to hear
feedback, positive or negative.
Tonight, I wish to make two REQUESTS... Perhaps these are declarations
about the beliefs that motivate me to host this list. The requests are:
Request #1.
Can we let this learning-org list be one place where we can be open enough
to diversity to let everyone have their say, in the style, length and
frequency that they choose?
As background for this request, please note
- I screen postings to insure that they have relevance to our topic.
- There is no requirement, and not even an implicit expectation, that
subscribers read every msg. Or that any particular individual will read any
specific msg. In fact, I do recommend that you read *selectively* even
while giving yourself freedom to explore and be stimulated. I take
particular care with the "Subject" line on postings to help you be
- The cost of unread content is low: Unlike a face-to-face meeting where
"air-time" is used, here we can just delete long items unread or after a
quick skim. Enjoy what you draw from our content and just let the rest go
on by.
Request #2.
If there is something you want discussed, please raise it. In this regard,
we are absolutely dependent upon each other... If no one goes to the
keyboard to write, it simiply won't appear. As a last resort, write saying,
"I'd like to se XXX discussed, but I don't know where to begin." I know we
can do this without being critical of the people who are writing about
something else or writing in a different style. It's perfectly OK to say,
"I'd like to talk about XXX, but don't understand YY's postings on that
topic." This too can be said in a way that respects everyone here.
In so much of the world, we disrespect people we don't understand... People
who look or speak differently... People who approach a question from a
different paradigm. Let this be one place where we speak our minds, and let
others do so as well.
My pledge to you is to moderate as best I can in accord with the principles
I've set out (see, for example, the periodic Info msgs). I am always open
to input about these principles and your feedback about learning-org.
Please reply to this with any comments about the content and practices
here. Or, you can write me privately, if you wish.
With much appreciation for all of you, including those who write... And
those who read...
-=- Rick, Your host.
--Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>