Content and Practices for this list LO22161
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 18:41:46 EDT

Replying to LO22133 --


I have some feedback concerning this list.
First of all, I think this is a great place for learning and I appreciate
your care in hosting.... I know it can be a lot of work!

You had two requests...

>Request #1.
>Can we let this learning-org list be one place where we can be open
>enough to diversity to let everyone have their say, in the style, length and
>frequency that they choose?

>Request #2.
>If there is something you want discussed, please raise it. In this
>regard, we are absolutely dependent upon each other... If no one goes to
>the keyboard to write, it simply won't appear.

I think these are great guidelines. I have been a member of many other
lists on subjects from chaos theory to psychology and all have eventually
ended up in the same "ego dominant" (my words) pattern. The list started
being dominated by very bright authorities in the field with no tolerance
for others not yet "up to speed" or as versed in the subject. It always
seemed that the brightest were also the most insecure and protected their
perceived knowledge edge by verbally debasing those who dare challenge.
Kind of like a pack of wolves guarding their food.

Over time, the list would wear away to a few highly educated field experts
with no diversity what so ever! Others would not dare to raise a question
on the basis that their ignorance may be highlighted.

So, how do we prevent this fate from occurring to this list also? I'm not
sure but maybe some guiding principles like.... (just suggestions...)

1) We are all here to learn and there are no stupid questions
2) If you do not like something, you can always just skip it
3) People are different and are at different stages in life... but the
difference brings multiple perspectives and richness
3) Never criticize, just do not respond if nothing positive can be said
4) Experts in a field have a duty to help others get to their level ... for
helping others always returns to us
5) I am an ass (there I said it!) so now I can only get better!

Chuck Wallace


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