On 7 Jul 99, at 10:21, Vana Prewitt wrote:
> rbacal@escape.ca wrote:
> > But as food for thought, and to think about addressing this stuff,
> > consider what might be the result if posts were limited to 200
> > words each...or posters restricted themselves to two posts a week.
> I'm glad Robert spoke up, but I do not favor his recommendation. I'm as
> sure as I can be that this concept is antithetical to a learning
> organization, which is (after all) our common interest and purpose for
> coming together on this list. Limit??? Restrict discussion??? These are
> the concepts and human urges I battle daily in my practice as an
> organization development consultant.
Vana et al. I noticed Richard posted two requests, so perhaps I might add
an additional one. I, for one, would really really appreciate it if people
would read more carefully or re-read once or twice before responding.
I stated as clearly as possible that I wasn't seriously recommending
Come to think of it...
..now I'm wondering a) if I wasn't clear, and b) how I could have
made it clearer. Any suggestions?
[Host's Note: Robert, for what it's worth, I read your comment as a
suggestion too. Your words, "to begin addressing this..." probably made me
think this. ..Rick]
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