Chuck Wallace suggested some guidelines to consider for this list. I
think they are pretty good. I especially like the last one. All is lost
if we cannot laugh at ourselves.
Vana Prewitt
Praxis Learning Systems
Chapel Hill, NC
> 1) We are all here to learn and there are no stupid questions
> 2) If you do not like something, you can always just skip it
> 3) People are different and are at different stages in life... but the
> difference brings multiple perspectives and richness
> 3) Never criticize, just do not respond if nothing positive can be said
> 4) Experts in a field have a duty to help others get to their level ... for
> helping others always returns to us
> 5) I am an ass (there I said it!) so now I can only get better!
--Vana Prewitt <>
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