Leadership LO22313

Eugene Taurman (ilx@execpc.com)
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 10:50:13 -0500

Replying to LO22139 --

Some long time ago Alexandra commented

>IMHO leadership is based on voluntary followers and is earned. A leader is
>a role model upon which others look up to. They are held to a high ethical
>standard and have the responsibility to develop leadership in others. It
>is a reciprocal relationship based on respect and honor of both the
>leaders and the those they lead. there should be a sense of no bias in
>the leader. My model for leadership is Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Jr and
>Malcolm X. all grew in their ability to lead and had a spiritual base.
>They were able to help bring out the best in people and open the way for
>them to see themselves in a different light which led to the people
>changing their own lifes and the world they lived in.

You are right we all volunteer to be led and when we look at who we follow
it is sometimes distressing.

I would like to think that leaders are ideal but unfortunately all to
often the only quality required by followers is someone willing to step
into the vacuum. Most people crave a place to go, a cause, a purpose.
Anyone who fills that need can be the leader.

It can be seen on every school yard. One kid speaks out, "Let's go to the
movies and there are followers. Another says, "Let's go catch frogs." and
there are followers. Give people a purpose worthy enough the time and
they will follow. Very often not very worthy is good enough because it
fills the need at the time.

You want and require an inspiring leader. Others want an effective
defender and others any purpose going any where.

It is a great topic for this group because so many are caught in a
situation of competing leaders each offering different rewards and
camaraderie. Are we really interested leadership or how can I lead this
group to a new place and to my appointed better cause while others are
leading in another direction.

another opinion


Eugene Taurman
interLinx Consulting
414-242-3345 e-mail ilx@execpc.com
fax 781-459-825

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>

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