Combating the "Just a fad" notion LO22314

Eugene Taurman (
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 10:50:14 -0500

Replying to LO22305 --

At 04:54 PM 7/21/99 -BA, you wrote:
>Kara Peters asked:

>This month, we would like to know how you combat concerns that
>organizational learning may be just another "management fad." Thanks for
>your insights.

The golf ball of the month syndrome is driven by management programs. We
train in this we train in that and then we find a new one. Management does
it all the time

It comes from no inner vision of how things should be compounded by
managers trying to buy the answer. Software sells well because the seller
offers to fix a real or perceived problem and assures that buying the
product will do that. Organization learning is a way of business life. To
live it must be adopted and cultivated. As a purchase the change dies and
for lack of cultivation. Hiring a learning manger is just like buy a fix.

All to often the manager who bought the training or hired a manager did
not understand the commitment required the result is a series of new
programs all similar the same yet each one delivered with an implied
promise follow me and all will be well. Most of them are ok but with out
cultivation they become the "golf ball" of the month.

Organizational learning can only be when the management genuinely
understands the issues and lives the process. Where that does not happen
we will have "fads". Therefore it must come from the top and impact
everything form promotions to the CEO agenda topics. Other wise it is a


Eugene Taurman
interLinx Consulting
414-242-3345 e-mail
fax 781-459-825

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


Eugene Taurman <>

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