Farewell Remarks LO22142

Harold M. Brewer (hmbrewer@ac.net)
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:09:17 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO22123 --

I am replying for the record as requested by Stan Berberich wishing to
know about the 90% of those on the list who have not contributed. I, like
many others, came here to learn and learn I have. I am a superintendent of
schools and have 60+ hours a week as a rule. Like Stan, in order for me to
contribute in a meaningful way would require time I just do not have.
Therefore, I have done the next best thing, I have committed to read and
learn as I can. I do not read every post. I consider the thread and glean.
As is the case with all such efforts, every now and then I see something
that confirms, or questions, or extends some thought I have had or
concern. I often share your posts with others to help me in developing
dialogue or initiating further consideration. For me the list has been a
valuable resource. I appreciate all of those who are willing to give of
their time and expertise on the list. What I read and the time I give are
voluntary. I have no grounds for dissatisfaction. Thanks again for
allowing me to participate as I can. Best wishes to all.

Harold M. Brewer, Supt.
Montgomery County Schools
"The Business of Schools is Student Success"


"Harold M. Brewer" <hmbrewer@ac.net>

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