What is leadership? LO22143

Swan, Steve R. SETA CONTR (SwanSR@ftknox5-emh3.army.mil)
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:15:26 -0400

Replying to LO22135 --

Richard Karash wrote:
> Or, 2) we have to distinguish 'good leadership' from
>bad. Thus, Hitler may have been a leader, but not a good one....Of the
>two choices, I favor #2. That is, leadership is when people follow."

In the mix of cultures and the transformation of societies our view may or
may not bend toward acceptance of different behavior, behaviors we
ourselves would not accept or imitate. However, the rationalization that
any manipulation of people, small numbers to whole nations is leadership
is the same rationalizatoin the questions the definition of "is" and
weather certain sexual activities are "sex" or just a "realyionship that
others don't understand."

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