Chief Learning Officers LO22144
Thu, 8 Jul 1999 08:20:34 EDT

Replying to LO22132 --

> > We occasionally hear of corporations that have a Chief Learning Officer,
> > usually on a level with COO and CFO, etc. positions. The overall purpose
> > of the position, one supposes, is to help the organization become more of
> > a Learning Organization. I have a request. Does any participant here
> > know of one or more corporations (or public sector organizations) that
> > have created such a position? Or even better, a list of such
> > organizations? I would be most grateful to hear from anyone with such
> > knowledge. Thank you. Mike Brower writes:
> In addition, I would like to hear people's opinion on what kind of
> background
> and education a person should have to hold such a position.

The company I work for has done extensive research on these topics. We
have published a research report, "Survey of Corporate University Future
Directions" which highlites 120 corporate universities, including specific
"best Practice" models on about half a dozen. Most of the 120
corporations/public sector organizations surveyed have either a CLO who is
on level with the CFO/COO. Sometimes the title is not CLO, but the level
of seniority within the organization is still the same. This report has a
great deal of information, including a compensation survey of

Additionally, we facilitate an exclusive group, the CLO Xchange. (Some
members are private sector while others public, and they range from
manufaturing to technology to healthcare to government and lots
in-between.) Anyone wanting more information on the research report or
this group may feel free to visit our website at or e-mail
me privately. The executive summary or the research report is on the

Anne Ryan
Manager, Electronic Media Marketing
Corporate University Xchange


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