Farewell Remarks LO22189

Sat, 10 Jul 1999 23:52:42 EDT

Replying to LO22105 --

Dear At,

I hope you don't shorten your contributions because you think they are a
burden to the members of the listserv. I confess that I can't always
follow the thread of your conversations and the mere presence of a formula
reminds me why I became a literature major. But on the other hand,
literature is the study of patterns and metaphor and imagery -- like
systems, I think -- and therefore, I often find something in your writing
that resonates with me. Over the years, I have become more pragmatic
about knowledge -- more interested in using it than possessing it -- so I
tend to take the theoretical and try and boil it down to something I can
apply in my own world, limited as it is. I hope you don't think I am
seeking the lowest common denominator in doing so, but merely trying to
see how your ideas might change my world, maybe make things clearer or
work better. It must be the cause (or the effect) of being a college
administrator whose job it is to "make things work" -- from the sublime (a
new curriculum or a learning community) to the ridiculous (assigning
faculty office space). Anyway, although I am too intimidated to actually
engage in your conversations, you should know that I am listening.



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