I appreciate your abhorrence of any reference to Hitler, and the
atrocities he precipitated. These judgements are easy to make in
retrospect, however. I do not believe that good and bad are so easily
distinguished in the midst of very complex and contentious processes. You
need to remember that Hitler's regime was characterised by an incredible
rejuvenation of the German Nation - a process which was highly respected
by many in the West. One may question his means and his purposes, but his
achievements were very impressive to many at the time.
One also need to remember that the trauma that made Hitler so attractive
to the German people was created in part by the santimonious attitudes of
the victors at the end of the first world war.
I suggest that from Hitler we can learn a lot about the relationship
between leaders and followers - even if it is only what to avoid.
Gray Southon
At 20:18 5/07/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm sorry...I cannot accept this continuing line of conversation that
>considers Hitler (or any of the other handful of political thugs we've
>seen this century, who modeled all that is evil and malevolent in
>mankind), as being great or good or even just in bad taste.
Gray Southon
Senior Lecturer in Knowledge Management
Department of Information Studies
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Ph 02 9514 2724, mobile 0414 295 328
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--Gray Southon <Gray.Southon@uts.EDU.AU>
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