Content and Practices for this list LO22251

John Constantine (
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 10:51:16 -0600

Replying to LO22249 --


In short form (my preferred form), I found this discussion to be one of
utmost significance to individuals, groups, teams, and companies/agencies.
The reason I feel this way is that it raises the fundamental question of
how one communicates with another.

(I won't venture as I did in the past where I suggested that communication
is dependent upon the receiver, not the sender.)

Meyers/Briggs et al point out the OUTCOME of one's upbringing, with all
its complexities. While it may not be perfectly possible to know in
advance that litmus test of another, such efforts as M/B etc. offer hope
for expansion of our knowledge base in this area. Continued study will
provide rich material for such things as performance appraisals, incentive
programs, management development programs and the like. This will likely
apply to both public as well as private sector efforts, imho.

Some may simply not be capable of, or adequately prepared for, certain
levels of discussion, under differing sets of circumstances and
conditions. Whether this can be a learned experience or not is a serious
question which needs a lot of attention, once again in my opinion.

I look forward to future discussions in this regard.


John Constantine Rainbird Management Consulting

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