Content and Practices for this list LO22253

Jason Smith (
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 12:59:20 -0400

Replying to LO22231 --

At 10:39 PM 14/07/99 -0700, you wrote:
>If you use your 2 feet (in the e-mail list-serve business, my delete
>button is a type of "2 feet" and my unsubscribing is another form), then
>you probably won't get to bothered by external auditories...indeed you
>probably won't even notice them because you're too busy learning or
>contributing to someone's learning someplace else.


As someone who unsubscribes and resubscribes periodically, I say a big
"amen" to your response here. Voting with one's feet is the
responsibility of every adult learner, IMHO.

That said, our learning processes need to be open enough for the remarks
of dissenters. I notice that sometimes people suggest to others that they
vote with their feet rather than go into the substance of the dissenter's

It's a tricky balance.

I've learned to assume that people will vote with their feet. I also hold
to the rest of the principles of open space that includes things like what
is said is what needs to be said -- including dissention or critique.

Jason Smith
Agility Architect
"growing your profits. faster. sustainably."


Jason Smith <>

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