Content and Practices for this list LO22231

Richard Charles Holloway (
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 22:39:30 -0700

Replying to LO22228 --


just thought I'd share another Open Space, we use the Law
of 2 Feet. This law says that if you're not learning or contributing to
learning where you're at, then go somewhere else where you can be more
productive. The fascinating consequence of this law is that the
responsibility for learning or contributing belongs to me...and you. If
you're still here, then you either feel that you are learning or
contributing...or you are missing an opportunity to go somewhere else
where you can.

The problem with labels (like "external auditory") is that it "explains"
away the reason, categorizes the person and makes everyone else feel
rather comfortable that the problem has been categorized. "Oh
know, he's one of those external auditory just have to tell
them to shut up sometimes."

If you use your 2 feet (in the e-mail list-serve business, my delete
button is a type of "2 feet" and my unsubscribing is another form), then
you probably won't get to bothered by external auditories...indeed you
probably won't even notice them because you're too busy learning or
contributing to someone's learning someplace else.



"Our first teacher is our own heart." -a saying from the Cheyenne People

Richard Charles Holloway -
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 USA Telephone 253.539.4014 or 206.568.7730
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