At 05:00 PM 7/12/99 EDT, you wrote:
>Replying to Lon Badgetts's .02.
>Cent 1: Can there even be a leader without followers? It seems to me
>that some answers to leadership lie in the nature of followership.
You are right a key is who follows. A leader is anyone people follow. And
that is a restrictive or limited group. The key is in purpose. Leaders
give purpose and fill needs.
>Cent 2: I view leadership as what happens when a person or group of
>people encounter an obstacle which they cannot individually or
>collectively overcome. At that moment, the person (or persons - we
>haven't talked about leaders in any sense other than as individuals
>either) who can get everyone around, over, through, under, or past the
>obstacle should probably be the leader. Should this obstacle be
>insurmountable, the leader is the person or persons who steer the group
>toward another more attainable goal.
Yes, even a team can lead. It is easier for a team to lead if they know
the steps pof the leadership process and know some methods in common. But
often they get the job done in the dark
Eugene Taurman
interLinx Consulting
414-242-3345 e-mail
fax 781-459-825
"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."
--Eugene Taurman <>
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