Zendil quoted Planck with:
"Major advances occur not because the proponents of the established view
are forced by the weight of evidence to change their minds, but because
they retire and eventually die."
This makes it even more important that we do not become victims of those
who will retire and eventually die soon, but that we develop our own
creativity. The paradox is that therefore, we need strong roots into the
past history (not only a few years, but those "36 generations", knowledge
of the creative course of time, possession of the cultural inheritance).
It was also Planck who said something like: Only a true traditionalist can
become a true revolutionist. It was Planck in his struggle to explain the
spectrum of heat radiation, which finally lead him to the basic quantum h
- quantum mechanics emerged.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <winfried.dressler@voith.de>
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