Leading In Cooperation vs. Competition LO22307

Wed, 21 Jul 1999 22:26:49 EDT

Replying to LO22260 --

Bob Janes,

Thank You for your insight into the complex relationship between
cooperation and competition..... you have made me aware of my unconscious
assumptions around the "goal" or "end state" of an organization.

Built into my assumptions was my assumed need for an organization to
provide the environment for self actualization. I have been heavily
influenced by the works of Abraham Maslow. One tends to like authors that
support one's own subconscious needs. My present mission has somehow
coalesced into proving that "win/win" with employees is both good for the
individual and for success of the enterprise. Much of this is perceived
through intuition.

Also, my assumption of hierarchy was incomplete as communicated. What I
meant to say was "local pattern for the present system frame" or
archetype. I see these archetypes again and again through psychology and
through my experience with complex adaptive systems. I am like a blind
man groping to feel the key into the front door... I know it's there...
but I will fumble for a while in finding the keyhole.

My next question.... (From "Ending of Time" by Krishnamurti and David

Can one have insight based on logical thinking when thought itself is from
the material world? In other words... Can a truly novel thought emerge
beyond the thinker's realm without an outside force acting on it? Are we
bound by our own limits of our personal minds? How do we escape our own
orbits? If so, how do we foster this state?

Chuck Wallace



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