Communities of Practice (CoPs) LO22316 -Etienne Wenger Course

Richard Karash (
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:23:02 -0400

Replying to LO22085 --

Some time ago, T. J. Elliott mentioned an on-line course on "Communities
of Practice" taught by Etienne Wenger.

T. J. and I enjoyed taking the course a few months ago.

I'm forwarding here a recent announcement about this on-line course (and
one on on-line facilitation). I've had very good experiences with the
people at KEU.

Contact information about the programs appears in the msg below.

-=- Rick

>Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 23:35:04 -0700
>From: KEU <>
>Subject: Communities of Practice and Online Facilitation courses
>Knowledge Ecology University invites you to participate in either or
>both of the following two online courses:
>1. Communities of Practice
>Instructor: Etienne Wenger, Ph.D.
>August 23 - September 10, 1999
>In the "Communities of Practice" course you will learn:
>* What communities of practice are and what they are good for
>* How they have the potential of becoming part of a knowledge strategy
>* What it takes to foster and sustain them
>* What the fundamental "infrastructures of knowing" are
>* What it really means to "manage" knowledge
>* How to address the challenges and opportunities of new technologies
>Etienne Wenger, PhD, is a globally recognized thought leader in the
>field of learning theory and its applications to business. He is a
>pioneer of the "communities of practice" research and author of
>Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity
>(Cambridge University Press, 1998). His seminal work on communities
>of practice has been featured in Fortune and Training magazines.
>2. Online Facilitation
>Instructors: Mihaela Moussou and Nancy White
>September 20 - October 8, 1999.
>In the "Online Facilitation" course you will learn how to:
>* Design the online space, structure and mental maps to help people's
>internal representation of the virtual space
>* Enable relationship and trust building online
>* Encourage participation, pacing and leading
>* Definie group interactions, techniques and outcomes
>* Successfully move groups from purpose to action
>* Understand the dynamics of rhythm and cycles of activity
>* Summarize and harvest knowledge and learnings
>Mihaela Moussou is a co-founder of Knowledge Ecology University and
>partner of Community Intelligence Labs.
>She has designed, hosted and facilitated all ranges of virtual
>environments, such as corporate virtual teaming knowledge centers,
>online meetings for virtual taskforces, large-scale web communities
>and special virtual events, including the Knowledge Ecology Fair '98.
>Nancy White is the founder and president of Full Circle Associates, a
>communications consulting firm, helping non-profits and businesses
>connect through online and offline strategies. Nancy is a skilled
>online host and facilitator who actively hones her craft on both
>social conversational sites and focused, work-related online
>Tuition is $650 per course.
>10% discount applies to second course, if you register to both courses.
>Special discount for groups and 501K C3 also available
>Please register at:
>Interested in Knowledge Ecology News?
>If you have not already subscribed and would like to receive our
>email newsletter, please reply to this message and write in the
>subject line: "subscribe KENews".
>Excerpts from KENews upcoming issue:
> - Editorial : KE in Jump Time, by George Por
> - Emerging Disciplines : Ethnovention, by Arian Ward
> - New Organizations : KE Consortium, by Jon Love
> - Interviews with Thought Leaders : Denham Grey interviews Mike McMaster
> - Distinctions: Entrepreneurial Organization, by Mike McMaster
> - Educational Opportunities: Denham Grey's's article on the first
>CoP class offered at KEU
> - KE Certificate program, by George Por
>If you do not wish to receive further messages from us, just reply
>to this message and write in the subject line: "remove".


Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>

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