What is leadership? LO22326

Eugene Taurman (ilx@execpc.com)
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 10:51:22 -0500

Replying to LO22310 --


True I use a less idealistic definition of leadership. I do that because
it is the way my classes define leadership. It also fits what I see in
organizations. Not all people follow a leader because of virtue. The y
follow more because of their own needs what ever those may be. Ranging
form need to be a part of, to money, to a righteous cause.

My work is turning shop people into meeting leaders and supervisors into
leaders. To do that I focus on their need to provide a worthy purpose.
Worthy changes as the issue changes. A worthy purpose for an agenda item
may be to decide the next action. Worthy for a corporate leader may be
reduce defects shipped. Any purpose that people can relate to at the time
will help rally the troops if they accept and understand it.

We learn what causes people to follow. because if mangers do not fill the
need then it will be filled by anyone stepping into the vacuum.


At 12:51 AM 7/22/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Replying to LO22302 --


>As I read your post, I realize that you are assuming that anyone who is
>in >an influencing mode--perhaps directing mode-- is a "leader." Ahhh.
>That explains all the discussion I saw earlier on Hitler, etc. And,
>using that interpretation of the word, then, yes, poor parents could be
>considered >"leaders" albeit poor ones.

Yes but leading is not a results of beng appointed to a position i.e.
manager. A manager may or may not be a leader with willing followers.

>In the context of discussing "leadership" in organizational settings, I am
>referring to the positive influencer as a "leader." Ergo, to my thinking,
>one would not be an effective leader if the influence was destructive or
>less than effective. In leadership development, we would emphasize the
>positive, constructive elements of leading people. Parents who don't lead
>their children effectively with love and support would not fit my
>definition of "leaders."
>There may have been some discussion on this earlier and, if so and I
>missed it, I apologize.

Eugene Taurman
interLinx Consulting
414-242-3345 e-mail ilx@execpc.com
fax 781-459-825

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure
you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."


Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>

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