Complexity and Management LO22363 -Conf Chicago 8/7

Michael Lissack (
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 17:29:32 -0400

Reminder we hope to see you on Saturday August 7

Complexity and Management -- Two Interacting Sciences?

A Professional Development Workshop (PDW) for the Academy of Management

Chicago, August, 1999

Scheduled for Saturday August 7, 1999, 10 am - 6:00 pm

Hyatt 151 Wacker Drive East Wing Lower Level Columbus A

Co-sponsored by the Technology & Innovation Management, Managerial &
Organizational Cognition, Managerial Consultation, Social Issues in
Managemwnt and Business Policy & Strategy divisions of the Academy and by
the New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI)

Structure -- four 90 Minute Panels separated by breaks

10-11:30 am
Panel 1: Introduction to Complexity Theory (With Emphasis on
Management Perspectives)

Introduction: Ron Schultz* (Senn-Delaney)
Complex Systems In General: Roger Lewin* and Birute Regine*
Formal Approaches: Steven Phelan* (UTDallas)
Metaphoric Approaches: Michael Lissack* (NECSI)

11:50-1:20 pm
Panel 2: Managerial Research Insights From Complexity Science

Introduction: Max Boisot* (Wharton)
Panelists: Kevin Dooley*(ASU) , Jan Rivkin* (HBS),
Raghu Garud* (NYU) and Peter Karnoe (CBS)*, Michael Cohen
Dan Levinthal (Wharton)
Discussant: Irene Sanders (Colorado)*

2:30pm -4:00 pm
Panel 3: Practitioners Making Use of Complexity Science

Introduction: Helen Harte* (Northwest Hospital)
Panelists: Curt Lindberg* (VHA), Bill Fulkerson* (John
Deere), Ken Prokuski* (Applied Bio-Systems), Larry Prusak* (IBM),
Hansen* (CASA), John Seely Brown* (Xerox PARC)

4:20pm - 6:00pm
Panel 4: Complexity and Management - Fad or Frontier

Introduction: Bill McKelvey (UCLA)* and Steve Maguire (McGill)*
Panelists: Tom Petzinger* (WSJ), Eric Abrahamson (Columbia and
INSEAD)*, Jeff
Goldstein (Aldephi)*, Bill Frederick (UPitt)*, John Micklethwait
Adrian Wooldridge (Economist)


Names shown without an * have not confirmed.

Michael Lissack <>
Editor-in-Chief, Emergence: A Journal of Complexity Issues 
In Organizations and Management
Director, The Networking, Emergence, and Complexity Studies
32 Garrison Street, Apartment #50-104, Boston MA 02116,,
phone 617-536-4109 fax -- 617-249-0663

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>