Peter Senge's new book, The Dance of Change, has a nice model (sorry, no
electronic version, but it's on pg. 436) that is based on the traditional
adult learning cycle (direct experience, reflection, generalization,
application). The four primary "stages" in the cycle as he depicts it are
widespread generation of information, integration and dissemination of the
information, collective interpretation [of the information], and authority
to take responsibility to act [on the information].
Sabrina Atwater
Program Officer
Pact, Inc.
1901 Pennsylvania AV NW
Suite 501
Washington, DC 20006
[Host's Note: Thanks, Sabrina, for this note. Sorry, I delayed it, mulling
over the possibility of posting the diagram you mention. I was not able to
do this, and now I'm on a trip, so I'm distributing your msg. It is a good
diagram and there are several references to the learning cycle. ...Rick]
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