Unseen Communication Field LO22388 -was: What is leadership?

Sun, 1 Aug 1999 21:16:43 EDT

Replying to LO22383 --


Your comment...

>I think there is a great deal of "communication" going on that we, a
>general concerned field of people, have yet to tap into at a depth of
>observation and understanding where it is possible to model. I do however
>see it as a wonderful place to explore.

Many other strange experiences are possibly explained by fields. The fact
that many dogs seem to know when their master is coming home (on the way
home and not just time related) with uncanny precision.

I have also experienced a "love field" (for lack of a better description)
in many group settings. This is when I have facilitated a group and have
"given myself up" (loved) so strongly that the group picks up on the
energy and the outcome is unbelievable. I cannot to this day explain in
words what I actually do to bring this on except "will" a win/win for

So my take on shared vision is really a "Shared Vision Field". Only time
will tell if this proves true.

Just some fields,



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