I don't have specific knowledge of what you want to do but of the three
places you mentioned, the one that has an international reputation is
Birkbeck College, which is part of University College here in London and
is very prestigious - Birkbeck produced such luminaries as Eric Hobsbaum
and others. If you have no other options I'd strongly recommend you go for
the name that's going to impress people and add to your mystique...meaning
Birckbeck and not the other two.
I'm sure Birkbeck have a website where you can request a full prospectus.
If you search for it and can't find it under "Birkbeck", try "University
College London"
Good luck
Thomas Muirhead Architects
27 Conway Street, London W1P 5HL
Telephone & fax (0171) 388 0582
E-mail architect@thefree.net
International consultancy services for the UK-Italy construction sector,
working with firms commencing or expanding their international activity.
We prefer Apple Macintosh
--Thomas Muirhead <architect@thefree.net>
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