Free Sample Publications LO22415
Fri, 6 Aug 1999 08:47:21 EDT

Change Processes & Ideas
for an Era
When Change is the Rule

Creating New Games
is the only Real Choice

A free copy of each can be secured by sending a self-addressed and postage
secured ($2.40) to:

Executive Resources Center & Gray Matter Productions
620 Roosevelt Dr., Edwardsville, Il. 62025
(314) 772-8154/ (618) 692-0258
Fax (618) 692-0819
Attn: Bob J. Holder

or by going to:

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"All men dream; but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty
recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but
the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream
with open eyes, to make them possible. This I did." T.E. Lawrence

These publications are for dangerous people who "dream with open eyes."
They are for those seeking fresh ideas and who aren't afraid to have their
beliefs, ideas, images and ideologies challenged. They are for people who
act on their dreams to make them real.

Series' Recommendations and Comments

Comments, Jim Kouzes, President of the Tom Peters Group/ Learning Systems
and co-author, The Leadership Challenge:

"Just let me say that you always stimulate and provoke. I continuously
learn from you, and your work on scouting is truly pioneering."

Says Tom Lyons, Senior Advisor, Irish Productivity Centre:

"So you are needing to be confounded and not confirmed...Bob Holder and
his co-authors have assembled some very stimulating ideas in an intriguing
and inter-related way in these papers. It adds a 'little yeast to my
baking' whenever I revisit what are also courageous publications."

Deanna Berg, Innovation Strategies, an internationally known
organizational consultant, writer and speaker comments:

"Bob Holder continues to be one of the most original thinkers and writers
in the field of organizational performance. His articles are filled with
insightful ideas that reflect his many years of experience in the elusive
quest for workplace excellence."

Paul Davis, President of Scanlon Plan Associates states:

"Most business writers have mastered the art of putting new wine in old
skins. Their articles are simply deja vu all over again. Not with Bob
Holder. His articles challenge us to think in new ways, to see the future
and to prepare for it."

Series I Contents:

I. Requisite for Future Success....Discontinuous Improvement

By Ned Hamson & Bob Holder. For many organizations, continuous improvement
won't address their challenges and/or problems. Why? They are experiencing
the Age of Discontinuity. Hamson and Holder explore the nature of
discontinuous change, its forms and present countless ideas for creating
discontinuous improvements.

II. Wasn't that New Just Yesterday?

By Bob Holder & Richard McKinney. This article explores why chaos and
quantum leaps are the norm rather than the exception today. They suggest
organizations must capitalize on serendipity and present numerous
strategies and tactics for doing so.

III. Uncaging Innovation and Scouting

By Bob Holder & Richard McKinney. In this ground breaking article, Holder
and MicKinney explore a common strategy, scouting, of great leaders, the
U.S. military, innovative American and Japanese firms. They examine why
scouting is important and its forms.

IV. Creating the New Game Through Scouting

By Bob Holder. This article present the key attributes for creating a
scouting system. It's filled full of examples to illustrate applications.

Series II Contents:

I. Questing For Quality.

By Bob Holder and Robert White. This article suggests Deming, Juran and
Crosby's quality paradigms are important but have lost their competitive
creating potency because of global changes. Holder and White call for
creating a new quality paradigm and present ideas for its development.

II. Time in the New Workplace.

By Bob Holder & Richard McKinney. Times have changed and so has the nature
of time and its meaning to organizations. Holder and McKinney using
quantum mechanics images, ideas and principles illustrate how time has
change. They suggest the need for "starship" organizations and present its

III. Leadership from Depth.

By Bob Holder & Richard McKinney. This article presents a four phase
process for leading organizational change. It begins with self assessment
and ends with a discussion of the importance of death and rebirth rituals
for supporting change.

IV. Corporate Change and the Hero's Quest.

By Bob Holder & Richard McKinney. Tried of those "neat and clean" process
maps of organization change because they don't match reality? If so, this
article presents an alternative. Holder and McKinney suggested "planned
change" is nonsense in our turbulent world and suggest the "Hero's Quest"
as an alternative process. They explore the process and present clues from
it for leading organizational change.

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