Systems Thinking and Personality Types LO22517

Philip Pogson (
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 14:59:52 +1000

Replying to LO22507

Wow, this is pretty strong stuff-

>"For example, psychological testing early in this centrury answered >the
>needs of sections of American society that were fearful of >continued
>immigration into a county built by migrant hands, though >falling down
>into crime, corruption and urban squalor. Racists and ethnic prejudice
>could fuel itself on ideas of unfit, degenerate >groups who should be
>excluded and discriminated against. It has been >argued that the
>aspirations of psychology as a scientific profession >and the unfortunate
>needs of the time combined to produce a dangerous >and dehumanizing form
>of knowledge
>(Rose, Kamin, & Lewontin, 1984)."

-did the authors, by any chance, refer to some hard data in support of
their opinions?

I have written a critique of IQ testing (Tennant and Pogson "Learning and
Change in the Adult Years"; 1995 Jossey-Bass) and sure test results were
and are abused, but it is just not this simple!

[Host's Note: Phil, you're tantalizing us! Please say more... Rick]


Philip Pogson
Leadership Development Strategy Consultant
Staff Development Branch
University of Technology Sydney NSW 2007

ph: +61 2 9514 2934(w)
fax: +61 2 9514 2930(w)
ph/fax: +61 2 9809 5185 (h)
mobile: +61 0412 459156

"Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always
ineffectiveness...Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."



Philip Pogson <ppogson@uts.EDU.AU>

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