Systems Thinking and Personality Types LO22530

Max Schupbach (
Tue, 31 Aug 1999 07:49:10 -0700

Replying to LO22515 --

Dear Jan,

thanks for a very interesting answer, in which I found many of my own
thoughts on organisational life and life in general mirrored. In my
experience and compared to the theoretical framework that I am using,
C.G.Jung had a too state oriented view of these personality types, that
were later picked up in the Meyers-Briggs test (and in my view
consequently refined and improved in the less well known Singer-Loomis
test). I notice that my own typology is much more blurry, depending on who
I am around, where I am in terms of cultural environment, both general and
corporate, and what is happening in my life as a whole. Seen from that
perspective, if you stick to being mainly one type or configuration, your
problem is so to speak flexibility. I assume, that the same is true when
working with organisations. A given state in an organisation is then more
like a polaroid shot in a moving scene, engaged in change that includes
many aspects, also changing types, which are no longer seen as a
fundamental static characteristic. What do you think?


Dr.Max Schupbach | <>
2049 NW Hoyt Street # 3,PORTLAND,OR,97209 |
Phone (503)223 6548 Fax (801)365-9064 |


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