Interview of a Deep Kind LO23045

Malcolm Burson (
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 18:37:46 -0400

Replying to LO22980 --

On Monday the 25th, Winfried wrote,
>Most crucial seems to
>me to be the first contacts. I think of scheduling three to five
>interviews "of a deep kind" in order to understand the product group.
>Now my question (isn't this the first time that I ask for assistance from
>all you consultants on the list, for whom my situation will be part of
>daily routine?):
>How would you structure such "getting into it" interviews?
>What is most crucial to achieve?
>What are the most dangerous pitfalls?
>And generally: Do you agree with my approach so far?
>What other questions should I ask in above short list?

Winfried, I'm not sure how I would "structure" such a deep interview; I'm
mostly cheering for your choice to do it at all. For myself, I would rely
for the most part on creating a process that would elicit ..... well,
whatever was destined to emerge. And to do that, I would rely on many of
the disciplines and methods familiar to all of us here: appreciative
inquiry, inviting the person to suspend and consider assumptions,

I, like others, will be waiting eagerly to learn how your interviewing
goes, and what you learn from it.

Best wishes,

Malcolm Burson


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