> Replying to LO23020 and rest of the LO-fellows on this thread
I agree upon the differences betwen "DO" and "ACT"discussed -and yes,
Malcolm (LO23068) even in Mexico it is taught so, but instead of "STUDY",
"CHECK" is more coomonly used-. However I would like to go further:
IMHO the Deming (as we know PDSA) Cycle has a lot of similarities with
Argyris' single and double-loop learning. Would any of you agree that
"ACT" is a type of double-loop learning, meaning that once you've "DONE"
and reviewed ("STUDIED") the results, the feedback might raise the need
for improvements upon the previous "PLAN", which is the heart of the
continuous improvement theory.
Does it raise any thougths from you?
--"José Antonio Espín" <aespin@campus.mor.itesm.mx>
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